Create your own planter that will last throughout the winter and into the spring, with beautiful displays of bulbs and bedding.
A deep pot
Peat-Free Multipurpose Compost
Tulip Bulbs
Daffodil Bulbs
Snowdrop Bulbs
Bulb Starter (Optional)
A Selection of Autumn Bedding
Watering Can
First pick a nice big pot; you'll be planting a bulb lasagna so you'll need plenty of depth!
Use some old crocks to cover the drainage hole in the bottom of your pot. This will let the water out the bottom whilst keeping the soil in. Add your first layer of peat-free compost; you'll want it to be about 5cm deep.

If you're using bulb starter, sprinkle some on top of the compost now.
Firm into position your tulip bulbs. Don't forget to put it pointy side up! Cover with another layer of compost 5cm deep (and bulb starter if using).

Next place your daffodil bulbs. Cover with another layer of compost (and bulb starter if using).

Bed in your snowdrops and cover. That's your bulb lasagna complete!
We've topped our bulb lasagna with some winter bedding to extend the flowering time, so that you get a lovely display through the autumn, winter and into spring.

We've used Cyclamen, Hedera, Violas and Wallflowers to top our pot, but you could use Panola, Erica, Heucheras or any Winter bedding that you prefer.

Once you've put your bedding in fill all the gaps with more compost.
All that's left to do now is give your pot a good water and enjoy!